An Englishman in Australia

A look at local, national and international news with some English humour and real discussion.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Journalistic Skill ... or absence thereof

The local newspaper in Adelaide is the Advertiser, part of the News Corp Empire (that might be something akin to the Galactic Empire). To be honest, it is not really a newspaper. I think I wrote better prose at eight compared to the daily turn out of this part of Murdoch. Anyway, today they had a delightful little article about a tile discovered at St David's Cathedral in Hobart (Capital City of Tasmania). The article reads:
Ancient find
A FLOOR tile dating back to the 13th century has been found in the a chest at St David's Cathedral in Hobart.
The olive green tile is inscribed with Ave Maria (Hail Mary) on the front and Lady Chapel of Rievaulx Abbey, Yorkshire, on the back. Both inscriptions are written in old English.
No, I am sorry, but this is awful. Ave Maria = old English (as opposed to Old English, whatever the difference is). Now I realise that the classics are not taught in schools now, and that my understanding of them is rudimentary (that will be corrected at some point), but please. Even a jump to Wikipedia, which is abhorrently inaccurate at times, lands one squarely on a page which says at the top:
Ave Maria (Latin: Hail, Maria or Hail, Mary)
Now maybe it is too much nowadays to ask for a little intellect, but really. This is just a bad excuse for poor rubbish. I sometimes wonder if the Advertiser has actually managed to practically apply the infinite monkey theorem. If so, animal protection people may very well be interested; I am sure it is animal abuse having to be surrounded by the idiots who write stories. Until next time, be safe in the world of literary abuses.

Walsingham Nut


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